Рудых Катерина , выпускница 2016 г.

When I first shared my thoughts about enter-ing another university and getting the second speciali-zation, all the friends suggested I’d taken leave of my senses. After five years at the faculty of foreign languages I still had a fervency to keep learning, to expand the horizons of my knowledge. And after two years of studying at the technical university I realized I’d made the right choice. Obviously, the learning process wasn’t easy. On the contrary, that was challenging, as far as I had never had any experience with technical English. But with the help of my teachers and groupmates I struggled through the piles of texts and terms. I suddenly discovered a new world, exciting but yet non-explored, the world of technical language. Needless to say that this experience opened up new opportunities to me. First of all, I had the chance to have practical training in one of the best translation agencies in the city. I also took part in some outstanding projects, organized by the faculty.
(с) Фото из личного архива К. Рудых